Saturday, February 20, 2016

Episode 154: "Op-Ed"
Join Mike outside late at night, enjoying a cup of coffee and reading some old Op-Ed pieces from his days at a college newspaper. Opinions include: "The Problem with Spoilers" (Nov. 3, 2009); "Recommendations for Surviving the Crisis" (October 27, 2009), and; "Christmas Arrives on Time: Immediately After Halloween" (November 10, 2009). Question of the week: is it okay if your opinions don't change over time, even after reading, traveling, studying, and other various life exploits?

Show time: 51:54

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License Non-commercial Share-Alike License. Attribution by Mike Boody. Released February 2015 on The Midnight Citizen and The Overnightscape Underground.

1 comment:

  1. Haven't heard this new episode yet...

    I also don't have your email addy; but I was wanting to know if you would like to answer a couple questions via audio for a show I am doing about "synchronicity"?

    Also, would you like to do an interview/q&a with me?

    I'm going to need to email you. You can find my email addy at my site.

    Thanks :)
